Automix tempo range

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Automix is shuffling a large playlist, but jumping wildly between tempos.
Master tempo range is set to 8%, but Automix is routinely mixing between 25%+/- songs.
It is staying in somewhat close keys though.

Any way to keep it in a narrower tempo range?

Hi @madtho, welcome to the Community!

  1. What I normally do is sort my playlist by BPM first using the Sort dropdown list near the top right of the playlist.
  2. Next, I scroll down to the song that I want to start the Automix with and load it into Deck 1.
  3. Make sure that you do not have Shuffle enabled in the Automix section to ensure that the songs play in the order displayed.
  4. Finally, press the Start Automix button and your songs will play in order of BPM. I hope that helps!

Also, if you change the Automix>Settings>Tempo Adjust from Sync + Tempo Blend to just Sync, the songs will be held at the sample BPM when transitioning between songs instead of automatically adjusting the Tempo up or down to the incoming song BPM.

Cool, that’s helpful. And I guess it’s still ‘shuffling’ if I’m sorting by BPM. Thanks

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You’re welcome @madtho. Happy to help!