Automix with vídeo

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  • Device model ipad 10
  • Version of operating system iOS 17.3
  • Version of djay 5.1.7
  • Hardware/controllers used Inpulse 500

Is there any configuration to activate video in automix? in mine it is mixing the audio.

Hi @DJ_Reinaldo_Hits,

If you start Automix and go to Video Mode, djay’s visual output will be projected accordingly.

Note: Videos will still display on an external screen; however, the split audio/video toggle needs to be disabled in the transition menu to avoid unwanted effects if the crossfader is in the middle.

Have a nice day!

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Hi, just following on from this… Is there a way that I can manually put my own videos on without it stopping when I play from deck one to deck 2? Let’s say I want to put on my own looping graphics… But every time I mix from one deck to the other it pauses… Is there away of over riding this?

Hi @Chris_Gibson,

At this time that is not an available feature of djay for iOS, however, we’d love to get a bit more information on this request for our engineering team to further reference.

By looping graphics do you mean videos that you have created and looped yourself (.mp4, .mov, .avi, etc) or looping images like Gifs?

For example, I do have my own graphics yeah. Also, if I wanted to play a
film or a long video, without audio, I don’t want this to be mixed with
audio… So if going from deck 1 to deck 2… It pauses the video. It would
be great if there was an option were we can can contol when to drop the
videos to play on the main TV only, and not have this always assigned to a
channel. This would be a great feature!

For example, I do have my own graphics yeah. Also, if I wanted to play a
film or a long video, without audio, I don’t want this to be mixed with
audio… So if going from deck 1 to deck 2… It pauses the video. It would
be great if there was an option were we can can contol when to drop the
videos to play on the main TV only, and not have this always assigned to a
channel. This would be a great feature!

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