Basic Mapping guide ?

You really need a basic mapping guide for nubes, for scratch set up and rotary variables on the buttons. A youtube clip would even solve this.
I’m trying to set up my I Mix reload midi decks and as a nube myself am struggling a bit , If someone has a good basic mapping guide, I’m sure I can work out the rest.

Hi, Warren -

The problem with this guide section, while it is somewhat helpful, is that it leaves the totally uninitiated hanging. It’s like the beginnings of a guide someone like me would need. I’m trying to map my Vestax Typhoon to djay4.1, but there’s no translation between something like Loop Set or CUP and the terms djay offers as corresponding mapping terms.

There really seem to be no resources for this sort of thing online, either on your site or Vestax’s.


Have you read the “Using MIDI controllers” article in djay’s in-app help section yet?
Press ⌘? and search for the term on the top right corner.