Beat countdown to next cue point

Suggestion for a beatcouunter counting down to next cue point. This is excellent for phrase mixing and most dj software have it. Please add this feature :slight_smile:


Hi @Jay_Dizzle,

Thanks for sharing!

I can see how this would be helpful, and we’ve passed this on to the appropriate teams.

In the meantime, an effective workaround is to enable the details jog wheels, and then during playback, you will see a colored marker increase and decrease in length when approaching and leaving a cue point.

Have a nice day!

Thank you.

if this goes thru, wich i hope. I hope you guys add the option of show beats or bars.

As in Traktor and with settings, please.

Select where to display this counter.

Meter Setup. I’ve found it works best for me to set it to 1, as this corresponds to the mouse cursor binding and makes it easier to navigate.

If I might suggest, from 7 cue to 8 cue would be 16 bars. It seems that the same values are shown by the mouse cursor and the beat counter.

I think you’ll find it really helpful if you try to make the mouse cursor bind to the bars. It’s a great feature that’s also used in Traktor. You can quickly place CUE markers and simplify navigation on the track, which I’m sure you’ll find really convenient!


Any news on this awesome feature. @NathanielAlgo :blush:

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Please add this functionality most other software have this and its frustrating not being able to use this i Djay Pro

This feature will be the difference between me keeping DJay Pro subscription around for another year and moving to a different software by the time my subscription is over. Absolutely critical feature for EDM DJs. I really hope they add it soon.

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