Beat grid cleared, how to get back?

I cleared a beat grid as it was not accurate (couldn’t get the downbeat set right), how do I get I d anew Analysis? Could not find in the in beat grade section of manual (so wish I was it u to date).


Hi @N_C, see below for how to access the Beat Grid menu on iOS. Also, you could try to re-analyze the playlist containing the song in question.

You can’y analyse a single track? Going via a playlist is the only way?

Hi @N_C, to force re-analysis of specific songs please follow the procedure below for the songs that you are having issues with.

  1. Select the Edit pencil icon at the top right of the playlist
  2. Then select the specific songs in the playlist that you want to re-analyze by highlighting the circles on the far left.
  3. Next, open the drop down menu next to Actions and select Analyze Songs