Beatport/ Beatsource icons/ logos are not showing up in the Streaming options to select. I am using an Acer Swift 14 with Snapdragon Elite… Windows 11. I have the newest version of DJay Pro. I uninstalled the one I had and re-installed with the newer version. There is no option for Beatsource or Beatport for me to select. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi @njviator, welcome to the Community! When creating new topics, please do not forget to answer the questions in our template with specific details about your setup not just “iPad” or “Latest Version”. This helps all of our community moderators to provide the most effective support to users with the utmost efficiency.
Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):
Hardware Firmware Version (ex. 2.7):
Can you please share a screenshot of your library view with the missing Beatport/Beatsource options? Thanks!
Got it!
Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): 2024 Acer Swift 14
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1): Snapdragon (R) X Elite
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3): Version 5.2.11228
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready): DDJFlX 4
Hardware Firmware Version (ex. 2.7): Acer System Firmware 1.18
Thanks @njviator,
- If you are using a VPN or proxy, please temporarily disable them.
- Please try navigating to the djay Settings>Library and scroll near the bottom to log into your Beatport and Beatsource accounts.
I disabled both VPN and Proxy. When I opened Djay Pro, I went to Setting>Library. I scrolled toward the bottom, and only see iTunes. There is no option for Beatport or Beatsource.
Okay, thanks for the additional info @njviator. In that case, I suggest that you backup your djay Media Library database and any custom MIDI mappings, then uninstall djay, reboot your device, and reinstall the latest version of djay. You can find the files above in the following locations:
- Windows:
- Copy the files to a new location or external drive before uninstalling djay. After reinstallation, you can simply copy these files back to their original locations to maintain your Hot Cues, Saved Loops, My Collection Playlists, History and Queue.
EDIT: My apologies @njviator! I just checked with our engineering team, and unfortunately, Beatport and Beatsource streaming are not yet supported on Windows ARM64 devices.
Got it. So no access to the Beatport/ Beatsource platforms until DJay Pro updates their system to support Windows Arm64? Is there any timeline for this to happen? I am guessing this will happen soon since a lot of newer computers are starting to use the Windwos ARM64… Is there a workaround?
Actually, we are waiting for Beatport/Beatsource to make their services available on ARM64 processors. djay already supports ARM64 devices. We don’t have a timeline on this as it’s largely out of our control, but we are working directly with the service provider. Unfortunately, there is no known workaround at this time. Sorry. Wish I could be of more help. In the meantime, you can use the free djay streaming music, Apple Music, Tidal and SoundCloud.
Ok thanks! I really appreciate the explanation. I’d imagine Beatport/ Beatsource will update their systems soon (Fingers crossed). In the meantime, i’ll use the other platforms. Thanks and have a great day!