Better Playlist Management in djay Pro

Suggestions for better Playlist Management in djay Pro.


  1. Playlist Checkboxes - In Spotify, they have a checkbox next to each playlist so we can see which playlists contain the selected track. The checkbox also lets us add/delete a single track from multiple playlists.
  2. Quick Playlist Toolbar - a toolbar that can be customized with playlists to be used during a gig


  1. Export regular playlists to Apple Music
  2. Import/Export playlists to .m3u files
  3. Add to Target Playlist - a command we can map to a keystroke and quickly add/delete tracks to a playlist we are working on.


  1. Randomly Ordered Playlist - every time it’s opened the tracks are in a different order

SYSTEM PLAYLISTS (like the built-in ‘Music’ and ‘Recently Added’ playlists)

  1. Trash Playlist - a place to put tracks to be deleted (and actually delete them)
  2. Target Playlist - a playlist to put tracks, preferably with a shortcut command to add/delete the track from the target playlist. Similar to the Prep crate in Serato. Please note, this should be separate from the Queue which can be in use during a performance.
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Thanks for the suggestions @Michael_Wisniewski! Great ideas. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

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Absolutely support those suggestions. Browser need major renovation.

I would add option to export playlists in XML format with ALL track data.
It greatly helps to work with library with AI.
Do I correctly remember that djay is Pro AI? :blush:

Now I’m dragging files to Traktor to export library in NML (subset of XML) format

Thanks for the additional feedback @Mikhail_Kapyrin. I’ve shared this with the devs.

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Another Command suggestion:

  • Send Loaded Track to playlist - a track loaded onto a Deck can be added to a playlist.
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Added to djay Pro 5.2.6 (macOS, Windows)
Drag and drop tracks from decks onto the media library or onto other decks: drag the artwork in the track display (macOS, Windows)

Just scrap it and start again.