Better search functionality for less false negatives

:headphones: Feature Request: Improve Search Functionality in Local Music Section

Dear Algoriddim Team & Fellow DJay Users,

I’ve noticed an issue with the search functionality in the Local Music section of Algoriddim DJay, and I’d love your support in getting this improved! :pray:

Let me explain:

Currently, when you search for a track title or artist, DJay searches across all available text fields, including:
:small_blue_diamond: Album, Composer, Grouping, Genre, and Comments.

While this might seem useful, it actually results in a lot of irrelevant search results (false positives), making it harder to find the track you’re actually looking for. :x::mag:

For example:
:small_orange_diamond: Searching for “1999” (Prince) also returns all tracks from the album The Best of 1999.
:small_orange_diamond: When searching for a track where you remember a small part of the title—for example, you know it contains “Deep”—you also get all tracks where “Deep House” appears in the Genre field.
:small_orange_diamond: Etcetera, etcetera

This behavior is unusual and counterintuitive, as most DJ software only searches in Title and Artist by default.

:white_check_mark: Suggested Improvements:

:one: Default Search Behavior: DJay should, by default, only search within Title and Artist fields.
:two: Optional Search Fields: Users should have the option to manually enable additional search fields such as Album, Comments, Genre, Year, Grouping, BPM, and Key.

:fire: Why This Matters:

:heavy_check_mark: More relevant search results
:heavy_check_mark: Faster track selection
:heavy_check_mark: Less confusion & unnecessary noise

If you agree that this would improve DJay, please vote in the Blue Upper Left Box to help get this change implemented! :+1::notes:

Thanks for your support! :rocket:

Additional Search Issue: Inconsistent Results Between ‘My Collection’ and Apple Music App vs. Apple Music Integration in Djay

In addition to the previously mentioned search behavior issues, I have discovered another inconsistency that affects search results in Algoriddim DJay’s integration with Apple Music/iTunes.

:small_blue_diamond: I recorded this video to demonstrate the issue:

What’s Happening?

  • Duplicate & Irrelevant Results: Searching for a term like “Pum Pum” should return only the track with that exact phrase because of the uniqueness of the reptive words, yet DJay also pulls in tracks from albums containing similar words (e.g., Pump Up the Volume, Pump Up The Jam, etc).
  • Comma Sensitivity: Searching for a repeated word with a comma (e.g., “Low, Low”) gives correct results in ‘My Collection’, but not in the iTunes integration in DJay. Removing the comma results in a flood of irrelevant matches.
  • Difference in Results: The search in ‘My Collection’ and the Apple Music app returns one set of results, while the iTunes integration in DJay behaves differently, suggesting an inconsistency in the search algorithm.

Why This Matters

Inconsistent search results create confusion and slow down track selection. If the integration does not match the native iTunes/Apple Music search behavior, this should be considered a bug rather than just a feature flaw.

Suggested Fix

  • Ensure that iTunes integration search results match Apple’s own search behavior.
  • Fix the overly broad search issue by limiting default searches to Title & Artist only (as discussed in my original post).
  • Address better comma handling to prevent unexpected duplicate entries or irrelevant results.
  • Improve handling of unique repetitive words (like Pum Pum, Low Low in the example). Such repetitive words should be treated just as they are entered, and because they are distinct parts of track names, such a search query should directly lead to a single unique result, not an overload of unrelated tracks.

If you also experience this issue and agree that it needs improvement, please vote to help get this fixed.

It should be easy to implement a dropdown at the search field, like it is with Traktor Pro.
There you can select what field to search, e.g. Title, Artist, Genre, Comment
For me, that does the job quite well.
One thing I also found annoying: the search results are shown in a new list, which is smaller than the ordinary track collection. Thus it provides less information to dig the track one is searching for. I would appreciate if this search result list could be larger, or uses the ordinary track collection layout to provide the search results.

Thanks for the suggestions @DJ_Big_Blender. I have forwarded this to the dev and engineering teams for review and further consideration.