Bloated djay Media Library size

Thanks for that @Party_Cardy

@Slak_Jaw do you know if the bug was fixed in 5.2.4 or is the dev team still working on it?

Hi joining in the conversation @Slak_Jaw iā€™ve also opened another thread.

So i had preforamnce issues while i had a gig :(((

Mac M1, Sonoma 14.6.1
Djay 5.2.3 + 5.2.4
Rane 4 updated firmware

How to reproduce - transfer a lot of files (maybe again and again) from Serato (i have 10,000 plus) and then try to play with the sofware.

What happed is that moments before ivā€™e transfered A LOT of playlists from Serato using the Crate Importer. Like my whole updated Library basically.
And the whole program was SO SLOW during the gig!

Songs loaded slowly, button werent responsive, even the graphics on the screens of my RANE FOUR were slow!
it made transitions almost imposibleā€¦ let alone using neural mix properly.

After the gig, after iā€™ve updated to 5.2.4, and again, everything was unreponsive, expecilly loading songs was slow and cuts the software to a full halt (except the music).

Now ivā€™e read this thread iā€™ve looked at my library file size and saw its 420mb-ish.
So iā€™ve transfered it to a different folder just to see what happens, and djay opened ā€œcleanā€ without any playlists and it worked SMOOTH!

So new clean empty library file = smoother preformence.
But now again i have to load in the songs from Seratoā€¦

something is deffinitaly there with the library size-management and it affects preformance BADLY.


Hello everyone, please follow the process below to reset the iCloud state:

  1. Quit djay.
  2. Make sure you have a backup of your djay Media Library.djayMediaLibrary file.
  3. If you have previously disabled iCloud for djay Pro in System settings, please make sure it is re-enabled for djay Pro.
  4. Open the app
  5. Run this command: defaults write com.algoriddim.djay-iphone-free CMCResetCloudKitState -bool true
  6. Launch djay

Thanks @Slak_Jaw , is it still safer to keep iCloud disabled for the time being or can we assume that we can safely re-enable iCloud ?

Youā€™re welcome @Markouchio. You can keep it enabled if you want now.