Bpm option to have more decimal places

Would be nice to be able to have bpm with more decimal places on the jogs for example 29.99 instead of 29.9 bpm, like other software do

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Thanks for the suggestion @Ellisparty. I’ve forwarded it to the dev team for consideration.

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I’ve noticed tunes drifting out of sync even though the BPM’s display the same. Please could we revisit this old topic.


In principle, this would probably make things easier sometimes. On the other hand, this will still not be accurate enough in some cases. How far should you go? And last but not least: If you’re not beatmatching by ear anyway, it makes no difference whether you adjust the speed according to the display or use the sync button, which should work in any case. In this respect, it seems like a nice feature to me, but I don’t think it would be relevant for a significant number of users.


Hi @dex, I’ve merged your new topic with this existing one. Please cast your vote at the top left of this page. Thanks!

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I am beatmatching by ear but if DJay only adjusts the pitch in these 0.1 increments then I still can’t get the pitch 100% spot on.

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Suggestion for improvement.

While doing some mixing, I noticed that the BPM has 4 decimal places and takes a while to update when mixing in detail.

Wouldn’t it be possible in the future to have one more decimal place, allowing for fine adjustment? For example:

Currently it is

123.5 BPM


123.50 BPM

Currently, Rekord Box and Traktor have this feature.

For longer mixes with multiple transitions, it would be very helpful to have pitch perfection without using sync.


Your first example has ONE decimal place and the second has two decimal places.

I edited the post and added an image of how it would be interesting. I noticed that other topics have already mentioned the variation of pitch in relation to the graph, as it does not respond in real time.

Over time, it could be inserted in real time to help make the mixing more transparent.

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I edited the post and added an image of how it would be interesting. I noticed that other topics have already mentioned the variation of pitch in relation to the graph, as it does not respond in real time.

Over time, it could be inserted in real time to help make the mixing more transparent.

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Hi @Djander, please use search before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this existing topic. You can use the blue Vote button at the top left to show you interest in adding this functionality. Thanks!

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Good morning, has this problem been resolved in this latest version 5.2?

Good morning, I tested the new version and the problem persists, in traditional mixing the pitch does not synchronize for a long time, which causes discomfort in the mixing.

When you press sync, it adjusts. but then it goes out of sync.

I believe that the testing team as a suggestion should mix in the studio to identify this flaw.

Good morning, I tested the new version and the problem persists, in traditional mixing the pitch does not synchronize for a long time, which causes discomfort in the mixing.

When you press sync, it adjusts. but then it goes out of sync.

I believe that the testing team as a suggestion should mix in the studio to identify this flaw.

I’ve been mixing for over 15 years, I have the right to report this error, I still haven’t signed the plan for this reason, as I can’t really mix.

Hi @Djander, thanks for the additional information and feedback. I’ve forwarded this to engineering for further review. In the meantime, can you please try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!



In testing the new version of Dajy pro, the pitch had a tremendous evolution, congratulations to the entire team, now making the fine adjustment, I observed that when mixing on the turntable technics the songs with the BPM already equalized still have a variation, as a suggestion would be It is interesting to add more decimal places in the BPM to have a perfect adjustment in the mix.

example as I already sent at 125.55 BPM

1 - another suggestion, when I press sinc the beats stay the same but there is still a small variation in the techniques, in other applications like Traktor this does not happen. and when you disable the BPM in Djay pro it goes out of sync. When pressed, the button should be synchronized.
2 - When I touch the vinyl it accelerates due to the BPM setting, in other applications this does not happen, this simulates the vinyl in a true way.
3 - Insert an Option to be able to select the % of the BPM adjustment, this only works in internal mode, in relative mode it does not work, regardless of the speed you set it always follows the pitch of the equipment


Hi @Djander, thanks for the additional info. I’ve passed this onto the dev team for further consideration. Thanks!

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Hello, I was playing a rather long track when I noticed the BPM kept going slightly out of phase with the drums. I opened up my DAW to try and find the exact BPM of the track, and once I did I attempted to put this value in djay. However, djay seems to be rounding this custom BPM value up or down to the nearest tenths place. This is fine for shorter tracks, but if you’re playing a lot of really long techno or house songs with a BPM in the hundredths place it can feel a little imprecise and cause the sync function to have the song come slightly out of phase with the other synced song over time. It’d be great if the team could allow values up to the hundredths place.

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Hi @c20c20, please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. Thanks!

I’m surprised this hasn’t got more votes/attention; having a single decimal place on the BPMs does not allow for a properly locked mix. You might stay in sync for 30 secs or a minute, but if you’re doing long blends you’ll have to be either riding the pitch or doing pitch bends/nudges all the time. Most of the other DJ apps have 2 decimal places so it would be fantastic if DJay Pro could do the same.