BPM problems with the same track on different channels

I’m having an issue when loading the same track on different channels. The BPM is slightly different, channel 1 adds on 1.3% and Channel 2 takes off 0.3%

Same track, different bpms. Sync is off in settings etc

Have restarted djay but persists.

Latest iPad pro and version of djay

Thanks a lot

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Make sure your Tempo sliders are both set to zero or at least in the same position.

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Hi what happens when you turn on synk

Hi @Ben4,

Sorry to see that you’ve been having this BPM issue as of late.

I wanted to check in to see whether or not @Slak_Jaw’s feedback proved useful in this case.

Have a nice day, everyone!

Hi slak

It shouldn’t have anything to do with this as it should all reset with every new track?

@Ben4 The tempo sliders only reset on song load if you have that turned on in the settings. The other option is to press the sync button when loading to automatically match the BPMs.

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