BPM suddenly shifts for a beat in 4 Deck Neural Mix mode.

I will mix a lot today and tomorrow and will keep you updated on that

Sounds good. @Lukas01D can you please also confirm if you are using a locally stored copy of that Funk Tribu - ICE track or if you are streaming it from SoundCloud.
If you are using a local copy, can you please share that exact file with us so we can double check it? You can upload the file to your Dropbox/Google Drive, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the actual file here. Thanks!

I tried Apple Music for the first time today and browsed a bit for new music. The following happened, which fits the descriptions in this thread quite well. Sync with BPM+Beat was activated (briefly deactivated and reactivated in the video for testing).
Strange behavior, I can imagine that it also has to do with the track itself. I can reproduce this everytime.
This happens only in the Intropart of the Track
The Beat - Marc Romboy & Chelonis R. Jones

I just had a listen to that Marc Romboy track here, and the synth part mainly sticks to the beat “bom bom bom bom”, but there are couple of places where the synth part goes “babom bom bom bom” and I think that’s confusing the Fluid Beatgrid. It’s looking for peaks, so it’s placing the marker on the “ba” instead of the “bom” on those points.

If you change it to straight grid, that should work.

I just stumbled across the track by chance, I don’t have it in my list.
But also good to know that there is still an unnoticed BPM setting, thanks for that.

Nice one @PKtheDJ. Thanks for the detailed analysis and tip!

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