Brief hiccup when playing two songs who's BPM are similar and fading to the one song

Macbook pro
Version of operating system Monterey 12.7.6. Version of djay (5.2.8.):
Hardware/controllers used (Pioneer DJMS-11- Rane 12MKII’s turntables)

There is Brief hiccup or the song jumps forward when playing two different songs who’s BPM are similar and fading from one song to the other which causes the songs to stop being in unison. I don’t know what to do here I thought it was Quantize making this occur but turning it off did not work. Please advise on what I should do here please thanks.

Hi @Policeretread, welcome to the Community!

  1. Can you please confirm if you have Sync ON?
  2. Do you have Crossfader FX enabled?
  3. Since this sounds repeatable, can you please try to capture a short video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

Yes Sync is on and Crossfader FX is enabled. Ok I just saw your response I’ll upload the video tomorrow if the issue occurs while mixing with those perimeters enabled, if it’s because those perimeters are enabled then once I turn them off and it works without the hiccup then I’ll know it’s because of me and all that I have going on in the software. Thanks for your timely response

You’re welcome @Policeretread. Thanks for the additional info. Looking forward to reviewing your video.

Hello! It’s been a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!