Camelot Wheel Key Signature

Any update on whether this is happening?

I totally agree. This would make mixing so much easier. I’m sure as mixing in key becomes more understandable then the standard of djaying will improve all round. Please please make this happen !

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Key match.

Why not include the simpler and easier version of key matching ie numbers instead of letters. Makes life a lot easier and more people would then be able to mix in key

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Keynote Detection.

I was just wondering now keynote detection had been introduce and is a great feature, if there is any chance this is going to be upgraded to key note as per the Camelot System for harmonic mixing.

I think what Katsu was really after is to differentiate between the keys in more detail. Between Major and minor, Sharp and flat. Like the Camelot system. I use Djay 2 and it does show major and minor just not flat and sharp which would make harmonising much better. :slight_smile:

Please implement soon. Make plans.

The latest version of djay2 does show sharps and flats

I want a keycodes option too!

Yes, please shift to this system, or make it possible to rename the musical keys or implement offline harmonical matching


This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Using Camelot Key notation.

Your products are great. Just one suggestion : could you use the Camelot Key notation to determine the key of each tune ? Would be great !

yes please do this

Just let us edit the key tag (and all tags really, within the app). Boom, done.

Pretty please?

Thank you all.

We are working on a solution to this topic.

Lukas E.

Hi All,

I agree it would be great to have the option to view the Key in standard notation or MIK notation.
In the interim, I use MIK to analyse the tracks and then place the key and tempo info at the beginning of the track name, plus the tempo in the Group tag field.
“7A - 5 - Tune in, Turn on, Cop out”

This means no matter what s/w I am using, (even iTunes), I can easily sort by Key & Tempo, Tempo, or BPM. And I can ALWAYS see the info as it is in the track name.


yes, but many controllers have the option of keylocking the key so it doesn’t change when you pitch a higher or lower bpm