Can someone please help me to set up an automix of matching songs?


I have Djay Pro 2 for Mac, and I can play a song, open up the automix panel and see sources, or at least I think they’re sources–queue, session and match. Selecting match presents a table with songs that might go together with the current song, however that might not necessarily go well with the next song played. I’m using VoiceOver, and while I can select these matched songs and add them to the automix queue, that’s not what I want to do. I want to start playing a song and then simply have automix start mixing songs that match. Right now, no matter whether Match is selected, if I take the songs that currently match and add them to the automix queue, it will simply play the queue and try to automix it without matching anything. If I add a song to the automix queue and turn on automix, once the song is over it keeps complaining that there’s no songs in the source. Dang it, Djay’s supposed to do that.

Any help would bee greatly appreciated. Perhaps there’s something VOiceOver isn’t seeing that needs to be cleared up in a future update.
