Cannot purchase FX packs in DJAY pro

I have tried over ten times to purchase the fx pack from within the djay pro app, and i still do not have it, it just doesn’t let me buy it, no error pop up or anything, the 9.99 purchase button goes gray then back to blue saying 9.99 over and over again, please advise

No number to call, just this forum, where they barely answer any problems.

I have the same issue. I purchased the FX pack and can not download them on my new iMac. I have reported this problem with absolutely no response.

Let’s see how long it takes to fix this problem.

Lukas, the problems just keep mounting… will there be ANY resolution to ANY of the problems that have been posted.

I will summarize the current issues and post them for you… there are MANY unanswered problems. And not one answer!

Hi Rich Lester,

thank you for your post. I assume you are talking about djay Pro for the iPad (changed the thread category to that).
Have you tried to “Restore Purchases” or got an invoice by Apple about the purchase of the FX pack?

Cheers,Lukas E.

Hi there,

thank you for the follow up. Can you tell us which djay Pro version you are using, did you purchase djay Pro via our website our via the Apple Store?

Cheers,Lukas E.

Thanks for the response, however, no, I am talking about my IMAC desktop, when I go to the area where you can purchase the FX PACKS for 9.99 it just doesn’t let me buy it, no error pop up or anything, the 9.99 purchase button goes gray then back to blue saying 9.99 over and over again, please advise
Is there a number I can call , it would be so much easier to talk to someone…
any response / help, is much appreciated

I have version 1.3.1 and I purchased it via the apple store