Can't edit grid with long file

Grid is set just off the beat with long track. Tried editing it down to make a shorter version (below, 24min) but it doesn’t allow me to nudge the grid to the right place. Using 4.19 on ipad pro.

[riley in c mali 128bpm pt1.mp3](https://audio file)

Hi @jomtones,

I’m super sorry to hear that you’ve been having this beat grid trouble with djay.

Would you mind answering the following questions so I can provide you with further assistance?

  1. What iPad Pro model are you using?
  2. What version of iOS are you running?
  3. Is this issue new to djay v4.1.9, or did you experience this on previous versions of the app as well?
  4. Can you re-share the Dropbox link to your provided file, as it looks like it has recently expired?

Happily awaiting your reply!

Thanks Nathaniel but I gave up on this for now. Went back to Rekordbox as I really needed to be able to see ratings and comments in the browser (and edit metadata). I hope Djay will be able to do these basics sometime in the near future, it was fun DJing with an iPad!
All the best.

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:rage::rage::rage: I really dont understand why u keep asking these questions when this problem has been made aware by many people… Over the last 4 months… No major bugs have been resolved… And when u reply you always ask the same questions… How about solving the main problem? I check everyday to see if my problems have been resolved… I see nothing… Just more frustrating replies… Maybe you should sell this software to some company that knows how to deal with basic problems… We are not even asking for new features…:pensive::pensive::pensive:… This customer left because of this basic grid issue… Grids dont align… Make them align… Dont ask these programed questions as if you will solve the problem… I listed 6 major issues you did the same and nothing has been done so far and its been a year… If you cant solve this how can i even ask for mutiple beat grids… I feel like its a lot to ask to be honest​:grinning::grinning::grinning:

Agreed that sometimes it’s not necessary to ask clarifying questions.