Can't Edit Start and End Cue Points in 5.0.2

I used to be able to click the pencil icon and that would show the (x) to remove the current start or end cue points. Now when I click the pencil icon the (x) does not show up anymore.

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Previous behavior in 4.1.10:

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Hi @tikilab, please provide additional details about your setup

  1. macOS version
  2. Apple computer specifications
  3. Any DJ hardware connected
  4. Do you have a paid djay Pro 5 subscription?

I checked on my system and it seems to be working fine.

  1. On macOS I recommend you do a full system backup using Time Machine or other backup solution.
  2. I also recommend that you make a copy of your djaymedialibrary database and store it in the cloud or on an external drive. This file contains all of your saved hot cues, loops, My Collection playlists and other data.
  3. You can find this file here:
  4. After that, please uninstall djay Pro 5, restart your computer then reinstall djay Pro 5.
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  1. macOS Sonoma 14.2.
  2. Apple M2 Pro Mac Mini, 32 GB RAM
  3. No hardware connected.
  4. Yes. I am using version 5.0.2.

I have a full backup. The computer is brand new, less than two weeks old, and I have very few apps installed. I’ve also got a separate backup of djaymedialibrary.

I have uninstalled the software, restarted, and then reinstalled the software. I am getting the same result.

Hi @tikilab, thanks for the information.

  1. I shared this with the engineering team and they we able to reproduce it. I’ve been told they’ve already made a fix which will be included in the next update.
  2. In the meantime, a workaround you can try using “Set Automix Start Point” action from the Deck>Cue Points menu.

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