Cant link my Beatport to my Djay Pro IOS app

When trying to link my Beatport to my Djay pro IOS app get error message”License failed to update “

Hi @LeoKade, welcome to the community.

  1. First try logging out of Beatport on all other devices including web browsers.
  2. Close djay and perform a Forced Restart on your iOS device (Force restart iPhone - Apple Support).
  3. If you are using a VPN on your device, please turn it OFF for now.
  4. Relaunch djay Pro AI and try logging into Beatport again.

I has similar where I had several accounts open. Beatport system raised a flag. I emailed customer support and I got it sorted.

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I have the same issue.

Logged out everywhere
Performed a hard restart

Still get the same error message

@Hans_de_Vries this could be an issue on the Beatport side of things as other users have experienced. I recommend you reach out to them as well.

My issue is solved. This could also be caused by not having the right level of subscription. I did not have the Advanced subscription but one tier lower.

Great to hear @Hans_de_Vries. Thanks for letting me know!

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