Can't sort by columns in My Collections search

Hi. I’m running djay 5.03 w Catalina. When searching in ‘My Collections’ , when clicking on any of the header columns the songs from the search results don’t change according to the header, for example the columns for bpm or comment, genre, ect… don’t get sorted, it just stays in alphabetical order.


Hi @Donn, can you please try to capture a video of this, upload to your Dropbox/Google Drive, enable the appropriate sharing permissions, and share a link to the file here? This will help communicate the issue to the engineering team. Thanks.

Hi @Donn,

I’ve just returned from vacation and wanted to follow up and see if you’re still having this issue. If so, can you please share are video of this as requested above? Thanks!

Hi @Donn, that video is not playable. Please upload it to your Dropbox/Google Drive, enable the appropriate sharing permissions, and share a link to the file here. Thanks

Hi @Donn, unfortunately, the video is also not working. As mentioned in the other post I think we need to try a different approach.

  1. Upload your video file directly to our Dropbox service using this direct link: Upload to Dropbox.
  2. Please make sure that you name your attached video file as the following (ATTN: SLAK_JAW, COLUMN SORT COMMUNITY) so we can easily track it in our system.

Hi @Donn, I was finally able to access your video outlining this issue. Thanks. This is very helpful. I have forwarded it to the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue. I’ll report back when I have news.

In the meantime, please provide the latest details about your setup in case things have changed since your original post:

  • Device model:
  • Version of operating system:
  • Version of djay:
  • Hardware/controllers used:

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This was fixed in djay 5.1.5

Wonderful! Was looking for a solution for this. I updated my app in the App Store and it seems to work.

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Thanks for confirming @djantona

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