Can't use Djay Pro that I have bought for 50 bucks!!!!

Hey there,
bought Djay Pro a year ago on microsoft store want to reinstall it. But with the updated verion I can’t get the pro features activated. I am very angry because I was happy with the old version and now everything is really fucked up because of this stupidity! Can’t even make good music because the 4-deck is locked behind a subscription model… Do you really need to replace the old version in appstore that I have bought with this new crap? Next time just make a new App instead of replacing an app that I have bought for 50 bucks and now can’t even get it back! Really how could this even be legal???

Also payed for the additional effects… GONE!!! really???

So a rollback of my system to yesterday brought back the old app. Really loved this Programm for its being easy to use but because of this bullshit I will definetly look after another App that fit’s my purposes… Thank you for nothing!


I can understand your anger, but don’t think about it too long. Unfortunately, it won’t get any better if you get annoyed about it every day, and ultimately it’s not a problem that you only have with this app or will have at some point. Unfortunately, the subscription model has almost become the standard in the app stores. As a consumer, you have to see whether you are prepared to support it. The problem is that the alternative is often to use a different app or to do without it altogether. And I haven’t yet found an alternative to DJay Pro AI that offers anywhere near the same features. Maybe you’ll have more luck and if you find another software that fulfills your wishes, please let us know here, I’m sure some users will be interested.

I have no problem with subscriptions but when I can’t get a setup or something to reinstall what I have previously bought that is for me a theft. If they just have prepared DJ Pro AI as second app, ok. Maybe I could think about to upgrade if I want to. But this is really not acceptable and even legal in my eyes… This is such a stupid desicion from marketing they have even make it more intelligent by supporting DJ Pro AI only on Win 11 to push people in their new software if they really want to or just removing the old app for people that they have not bought bevore the new dang came out…

You thought your purchase was a perpetual license, which isn’t supported outside of that version of the OS you were running at the time. (I’m sure algoriddim’s reasons weren’t malicious)

Sounds like everybody can share some of the blame in that scenario. You mightn’t have asked, and algoriddm mightn’t have stated. Agree that everyone will be more communicative moving forward, and move forward as you see fit.

Ask for more money not telling and blame the customer for making a fault? Maybe that’s the reason in first place wy they must have such a s****y model… Because a lot of users are not willig to do so and already left.

Hi @Kulturnilpferd,

Thanks for sharing to our community!

Please note that users like yourself, who purchased the previous version of djay Pro from the Microsoft App Store, can still download that (now considered) legacy version of the app.

All you need to do is find the app in your purchase history list via the app store and redownload the program. We recommend you follow the guide below by HowToGeek to get you started.

Additionally, I’d like to mention that we do have a free legacy upgrade for users who purchased the last version of djay Pro. Please see the FAQ below on that topic for more info.

Have a nice day!


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