Clean Beatsource Songs turn into Explicit

  • Device model iPad 5th Gen
  • Version of operating system 18.3.2
  • Version of djay 5.2.9
  • Hardware/controllers used Reloop Mixon 8 Pro

When I add Beatsource Clean edits, especially ones with intros, the Playlist sections turns them into the Dirty versions. The songs say “Clean” but it has the curse words. It messed up my set I made at a live event. The songs are clean inside of Beatsource. But Djay playlists turns them into Dirty versions. At this point the Playlist function is useless for Beatsource.

Hi @E_Flem, sorry to hear you experienced this issue. Hopefully you were able to remove the offending vocals quickly with Neural Mix.

  1. Can you please share the exact track IDs so I can test this on my end?
  2. Were you playing the song from the Beatsource Source in the djay Library or from the My Collection Source?
  3. Do you have both the Clean and Explicit version of this song in your library?
  4. Do the Clean and Explicit versions have different song titles?
  5. Are you using the Offline Locker? If so, are both the clean and explicit versions in your offline locker?

Basically every clean version of any song came out as the explicit version when saved to the “Playlist”

My Collection Playlist

I had both versions saved in Beatsource folders

Both Versions have the same titles

The song was labeled “Clean” but it was an Explicit version when played.

I wasn’t using offline locker

Thanks for the additional info @E_Flem. I have passed this onto engineering to see if they have any suggestions.

  1. In the meantime, if you remove the Explicit Versions from your library, does that solve the issue?
  2. What if you add the Clean Versions to your Offline Locker, but keep the Explicit version still in your library - does that solve the issue?

Haven’t tried, don’t want to take any chances.

It was quite embarrassing preparing a clean set and curse words kept popping up.