Color-coding for saved loops and cue points

How about color coding for saved loops also to correspond with saved cue point.


Hey @MontyJoe ,

Thank you for posting this as a suggestion here in the Community. We appreciate your input!

Could you elaborate a bit more on this, especially how the color-coding would work with both loops and cue points? Maybe add one or two examples?


For example my first cue point is always green color. So if I use that cue point as a loop then it should also be green color. I always use my cue points as loops also.

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Hey @MontyJoe ,

Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

I will pass this information on to our Dev Team and keep you posted with any available updates on the topic.



I agree, I use Traktor as my main software and one of the reasons why I don’t migrate my to algoridim is because of the impossibility of seeing the loop points in the wave (when they are deactivated), also because of the impossibility of modifying the tags, but that is another topic. Another thing I would like to add is being able to assign midi/keyboard which allows me to jump between cue points, prev cue/nex cue. They have the possibility of being the most versatile software in the industry, you should see the tools of all their competitors, not just Serato.

Adding my voice to this suggestion. I remix live and use a lot of looping…the color coding would make this much easier in a dark room and take advantage of all the colored pads on modern controllers. It seems like it would be simple to port the color coding from CUES to SAVED LOOPS.

Thank you both for raising/listening.

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