Colored memory marker

Hello there,
i love the app so far and use it as my choise after getting back into djing.

One thing i‘am missing are colored memory marker.
No need for them to work as a cue i only want to set some visual marker and don‘t waste my hot cues on this.
A set of 8 in the same colors as the hot cues would be my suggestion. To keep them appart, the hot cues could stay triangle and the memory ones rectangular.
Thx for reading


Hi @GitGuy, thanks for the suggestion. I will forward this to the engineering team for consideration.

I second this. Very important feature lacking in Djay Pro. If not this exact feature, any way to mark phrases without tying up hot cues would be amazing.


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I’d wonder if that might be something that could be AI’ed? Like surely for vocal tracks you could identify a chorus (most commonly repeated vocals), verse (non-chorus vocals), intro (non-vocal bit at the start), outro (non-vocal bit at the end), instrumental sections (non-vocal bit in the middle).

Know you can kind of do that anyway via the waveform but it would be quite cool if Djay Pro could automatically highlight these parts and maybe use them for automix itself.

But maybe for now just being able to map them manually would be very cool

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Pretty sure Rekordbox has AI phrase analysis. I don’t even care if Djay Pro analyzes it for me, I’d just like to be able to put more markers on my track. I can’t remember shit anymore, I need all the crutches I can get.


100% with you there.
I don’t have a good memory either, so I’m 100% with you there.