Hi! I also work with Virtual DJ. One of the features I’d love to see in DJay is the ability to color songs based on specific parameters.
For example, in Virtual DJ, I can set it to automatically color in yellow any tracks that are within ±5 BPM and in the same key as the current track. This way, just by looking, I can quickly identify songs that are compatible with the one currently playing. It’s a very useful visual aid.
Hi @Chirro_Peres, thanks for the suggestion. Can you please clarify this suggestion in more detail with some screenshots from VDJ or with a short video? Thanks!
In Virtual DJ, you can create two types of “filters.” The first one is called Quick Filters, and it is used to hide songs that don’t meet certain rules that you can edit.
This creates a series of buttons that, when activated, hide the songs that don’t meet those rules.
The second type is called Color Rules, which colors the songs in the Browser according to rules you can edit.
This colors the songs that meet the rules with a specific color. It’s very useful for (for example) clearly seeing which songs are compatible with the one currently playing.
I think it would be very useful if DJay had something like that.
Best regards.
Thanks for the screenshots and additional explanation @Chirro_Peres. This is super helpful. I’ll pass this onto the devs for consideration.