Connection to Hercules DJControl Mix

English Translation:
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my laptop and my djay control mix no longer connects together even though it is connected in the setting, on the laptop all the functions work and on the control nothing can you help me? Thanks in advance.

Original Post:
Bonjour à tous, j’ai un souci mon portable et mon djay control mix ne se connecte plus ensemble alors qu’il est connected dans le réglage, sur le portable toutes les fonctions fonctionne et sur le controler rien pouvez vous m’aider ? Merci d’avance.

Hi @Accro11, welcome to the community! Sorry to hear you’re having this issue. Can you please share more information about your setup so we can help you troubleshoot the issue?

  1. What laptop are you using (Mac or Windows)?
  2. What OS are you running?
  3. What version of djay are you using?
  4. Please confirm your DJ controller is the Hercules DJControl Mix.
  5. Was everything working at some point and then stopped working? If so, did anything change in your setup during that time?


Hi @Accro11, I’m just following up to see if saw my previous message and if you are still having issues with your controller. Thanks.

Hi @Accro11, I’m just following up one more time to see if you are sill having this issue before I consider this solved and close the thread. Thanks.

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