Converting from djay on iOS to djay Pro AI on macOS

How much would it take to change from App based to Software based on iMac?

Cause lately I’ve been have a lot of freezing and crashing during gigs. I have to keep my iPad hooked up to prepare. Luckily it gives me a warning before it happens. My screen will freeze but the songs and controller still function. I know then to grab the iPad and get ready

Have you tried to determine the cause of the freezing/crashing? What warning does it give?

When the screen freeze but the song keeps playing and the controller still function as far as letting me hit the pads, play etc etc. I know it’s about to freeze and close out.

Is everything up to date on your iMac? OS, djay…
Have you installed any software lately?

I posted about this about a month ago. Very random freezing / crashing
The only constant (I am hesitant to say this because then it becomes the “answer”) is I was outside and it was hot out. Not stifling hot but 70 plus degrees.
Are you outside when this occurs?
This would make it a hardware issue

I would say it happens more with the controller vs just the computer alone. Using DDJ SX2 with Apple USB-C adapter and USB to USB type B with ferrite to controller. Thinking about buying a trying a usb-c with ferrite straight to controller. I did see a video on YouTube saying maybe a phone being close by causing interference

Inside and Outside. I can’t come to a direct point What’s causing it

Simplifying cabling is never a bad idea. (I’ve another post on here about ferrite chokes - if you’ve a decent electronic component shop nearby, go get yourself a clamshell ferrite and wrap your current cable through it at least 3x if you’ve enough length as a test)
but you didn’t answer my question - have you updated anything? Can you? (If so, you should)

Software and iOS is up to date… Only thing I’ve installed is discord &
twitch studio

I’m not sure how you would go about troubleshooting if/how either/both of those apps might interfere with djay, so I’m inclined to lean towards there being a hardware problem with your Mac or a gross misconfiguration somewhere, but if neither of those are open/running while you’re performing, misconfiguration is unlikely.
Tell us about your Mac - build number, specs…

MacBook Air with Intel No Upgrades…DDJ SX2 with latest firmware

Hi @Slim89,

I’m very sorry to hear that you experienced this issue during a gig; nonetheless, as that is not the type of experience we want you to have with djay!

Since your initial inquiry, has this issue continued to affect you on iOS?

If so, could you please answer the following questions?

  1. What model iPad are you using?
  2. Are you running the latest version of iOS, v16.5.1?
  3. Are you using the latest version of djay, v4.1.9?
  4. Do you have any new information on when or why djay crashes?

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

I’ve not had any crashes on my SX2 with a M1 MBP 16”.

I don’t use any adaptors though, just a straight usb b to usb c cable direct into the Mac.

Not much help for you, but mine seems to play quite nicely together.

Maybe it’s the intel chip vs M1 lol
I’ll buy a usb-c with ferrites

MacBook with Intel
Everything is up to date