Couple of errors that I can not fix and question

I used this app every day since it came out for iPhone on the first day and I love it. I just bought it for my Android phone that I just got and there are a few bugs that I can not fix whether I redownload the app or not. First off, the key lock button does not appear next to the tempo slider for both turntables. Also the effects pad is glitched as shown in the picture. I notice there are a few bugs while using the app but that’s the least of the issue. Plus, is there any way I can organize my library into BPM’s, Key’s, etc. like the iPhone version has? Why isn’t all the settings from the iPhone version on the Android version? Please update so this is possible. I would like to start using djay 2 on my Android device. Lastly, what cable do I need in order to hook up my LG G4 to the WeGo2 controller? Do I need to buy an adapter?
