Crossfader FX lags a beat long

Awesome, thank you very much indeed. Nonetheless, it persists on the MacBook Pro, on which it had initially worked perfectly on 21.03.24. See current video for Mac:

Youā€™re welcome @Earthian. I donā€™t have access to a Mac at the moment. Is there a Neural Mix Quality percentage in the Advanced Settings? If so what is the value?

Yes, itā€˜s 100% as well.

Okay, thanks for confirming @Earthian. Also, you already uninstalled and reinstalled djay on your Mac and that didnā€™t help?

yes I did that yesterday as well.

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A screenshot for the Neural Mix Quality:

Okay, thanks for clarifying. Given this, I canā€™t think of anything else to suggest. As mentioned previously, Iā€™ll send this to the engineering team to see if they have any suggestions.

Youā€˜re awesome, this is what we call Support.
Take care!

PS: Iā€˜ve got an apple notification since yesterday that some of my passwords are compromised, so Iā€˜m changing as much as possible right now and will give you a word if my suspension clarifies.

Edit: I mean suspicion*, not suspension, sorry.

Just as weird as it may sound, the disturbance is there again on the iPhone. See video. To this end Iā€˜m quite confident it doesnā€™t got to do with the ingenuity integrity of your team, considering the actual facts I think thereā€™s a party at play right now. So as you eagerly wanna help, you may as well not complicate your mind over it anymore. This app is in this regard perfect! I need to thoroughly consider the sequence of changing my passwords passcode and then delete both apps among others and reinstall to it helps. This may take a while, so thanks again, Iā€˜ll inform you when itā€™s over.


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Okay, sounds good @Earthian. Thanks for letting me know. I hope youā€™re able to sort it all out.

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