Crossfader FX lags a beat long

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  • Device model: iPhone 15 Pro Max/M2 MacBook Pro
  • Version of operating system: IOS 17.4/Sonoma 14.4
  • Version of Djay: 5.1.4
  • Hardware/controllers used: iPhone/Pioneer DDJ Rev1

Summary of the issue: When the Crossfader FX mode is active, trying to flip between 2 beats of both decks would cut the sound for a beat on the oncoming deck. This also means the sound of the outgoing deck persists for a beat long after the flip, making it impossible to beat jog or quickly close a deck.

How to reproduce the issue: Activate the Crossfader FX mode, engage any transitional FX option in the menu and try to flip between 2 beats of both decks. Observe the beat grid and the sound.

Hi @Earthian, I’m having a little trouble understanding your issue here. Can you please try to capture a video of this, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

Hi Slak_Jaw,
Thanks for your response. Below is the link:

The sound fluctuation varies from track to track.

Thanks for the video @Earthian.

  1. What Crossfader FX do you have enabled?

  2. What are your Crossfader FX settings?

  3. What are your Crossfader Curve and FX Routing Settings?

Hi @Slak_Jaw,
1…It’s currently set to “Neural Mix (Drumswap)” which is no exception - the Other options behave more or less.
2. Default, but I have also tried with all the other options.
3. Post-Fader, and I had the same experience with Pre-Fader

Thanks for your support.

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Hi @Earthian, thanks for the additional info.

  1. I tried to replicate the issue using Neural Mix (Drum Swap) CFX on my iPhone 15 Pro Max with those same songs from Apple Music streaming and could not.
  2. Are the 2 songs you’re using from a streaming service or stored on device? If they are stored on device, can you please share them using the same procedure above as for sharing the video.
  3. Does it make a difference if your Rev 1 is connected or not?

EDIT: I also noticed that I previously shared the wrong screenshot for the CFX settings in #2 above. Can you please share a screenshot of this same page on your device? Thanks!

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Hi @Slak_Jaw
Below are 2 links to the songs, for the screenshots I’ve to send them in the follow up as this platform’s algorithm limits me with only two links attachments per post.

I own the songs, so I play them right from my Mac or iPhone.

Nonetheless, Your frustration is confirming a potential hacker on my devices as I’m also experiencing several other anomalies with these devices. I even had to reset my Mac this morning with the Time Machine. Moreover, this feature in question functioned perfectly on the 21.03.24 but unfortunately no more since 22.03. I initially thought it’s got to do with some updates but it’s obvious not.

Please go ahead with your investigation and give me a word as soon as you have a conclusion. Thanks for your support once more.


Song: The Last Hymn to Life.flac - Google Drive

Hi @Slak_Jaw,
The system doesn’t allow me anymore to post a link to returning this query “An error occurred: Sorry you cannot post a link to that host.”

What do I do now? could you send me an email address?

Take care.

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Hi @Earthian, sorry, new users have some restrictions around posting multiple links in a row to prevent spamming. I have manually adjusted your Trust Level to Basic User.

  1. Can you please try to share the other song?
  2. Also please share a screenshot of your Crossfader FX settings as shown in the #2 screenshot above. Note that screenshots can be shared directly inside your post using the Upload Button and do not need to be uploaded to Google Drive first.
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Hi @Slak_Jaw,
Here‘re the link and Screenshots:







Hi @Slak_Jaw,
Here‘s a cleaner reproduction of it. Thanks once more for your support!

Thanks for the additional info @Earthian. In the djay Settings>General>CROSSFADER FX please try turning OFF Auto-Play When Moving Crossfader and setting the Sync Mode to OFF.

Hi @Slak_Jaw,

Below is a reproduction with your current settings recommendations, thanks:

Thanks for the video @Earthian. Very strange that I am not able to reproduce the issue with the same songs and hardware as you. It seems like there is a performance issue with your device.

  1. In the djay Settings>Advanced what is the NEURAL MIX Quality percentage showing?
  2. Please close djay and all other applications on your iPhone, then perform a Forced Restart (Force restart iPhone - Apple Support (CA))
  3. After rebooting, launch djay and try to replicate the issue again. Thanks!

Hi @Slak_Jaw,

I have performed restarts uncountable times already and just now as well but the problem persists. See the performance level in the screenshot, is 100%. I‘m using iPhone15 Pro Max and M2 MacBook Pro.

Thanks once more for your support and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you come across any idea in future that could help, because I won’t give up my goal to exclusively DJ on the iPhone with your Future-Proof and noble App, Algoriddim DJ Pro. Have a nice weekend and keep innovating - cheers!

You’re welcome @Earthian. Thanks for the update. I can’t think of anything else to suggest at this time so I’m going to share this with the engineering team to get their thoughts. I’ll report back when I have news.

Hi @Slak_Jaw,

SOLVED - Cheers!
I had to delete the App (Uninstall) and reinstall it. Of course I temporarily had to sacrificed my entire library but it worth it. See video:

I’m gonna do the same on my Mac.

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Excellent. Thanks for the update @Earthian

@Earthian, in the future, before you uninstall and reinstall the app, you can backup your playlists, hot cues, history and other meta data by copying the djay Media Library database to another location. You can find this file using the Files App on your iOS device under On My iPhone>djay>User Data.