Crossfader FX settings in dropdown menu vs preferences window

I suggest to make all Crossfader FX options (sync modes) available in the drop-down menu (See screenshot)
Now only tempo-blend and on/off is there and there are 2 other modes…


I’d go even further,

  • move Crossfader FX (on/off), Tempo Blend and Transition Now onto the main screen (not buried in a sub-menu). This will make them more performance features.
  • keep the dropdown for the list of Crossfader FX (which similar to how the other parts of the interface works).
  • and add back the Transition buttons on << crossfader >>.

OR instead of cramming also those performance options onto the main screen

  • let us customize the screen (maybe a panel with those options)
  • or create a 2nd view for those types of performance features

Hi @Michael_Wisniewski,

Thanks so much for the suggestion!

We’ve gone ahead and passed this along to our engineering team for further review and will make sure to update this thread should any new info come in.

Additionally, thanks @Michael_Wisniewski for the additional feedback.

Have a nice day, all!

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