crossfader tempo adjust on slide

I apologize as I’m sure this is very much a question that gets asked often and is probably a duplicate but I’m not sure what terms/wording to use and despite my best efforts I’ve been unable to find a post for this elsewhere on the forums…

When I first setup djay with my new FLX4 (brand new learner here) there was some sort of default setting that would automatically adjust the tempo between my decks based on the crossfaders distance from the center.

In other words, if both decks were set to “sync” and the crossfader was dead center, one deck would be at exactly -50% tempo and the other would be at exactly +50% tempo so the tempos were matched but neither was going faster or slower than 50% of the maximum delta between them. And that tempo ratio would adjust dynamically as the crossfader was moved back and forth…

I’ve somehow changed a setting and this no longer works. At the moment I can still sync my decks but one of them will stay at 0 and the other will speed up or down when I hit the “sync” button, but moving the crossfader won’t adjust tempo at all. Screen-shotting my Automix setting if it helps.

Crossfader FX in settings is set to enable “Auto-play when moving crossfader” and Sync mode is set to “sync + tempo blend”

macOS Sonoma

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  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1):
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2):
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro):

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Hi @WhiteJamesToney, try opening the Crossfader FX menu and turning on Tempo Blend.

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thanks @Slak_Jaw!
…I figured out the issue using your reply as well as some trial and error when playing with my controller

I didn’t know how the smart fader knob on the FLX4 worked in djay but apparently it disables the Crossfader FX option when pressed (or at least it does the way my controller is configured) :man_shrugging:t2:

I was inadvertently disabling the Crossfader FX toggle as shown at the top of your screenshot which was causing the unexpected behavior

You’re welcome @WhiteJamesToney. Glad we got it sorted out. Thanks for the follow up!

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