When i’m doing a routine I often have a couple of cues and a 3 active loops on the go to use at different points
If i have more than Two loops i can’t see them without switching pages AND my 8 pad controller
can’t be used to select loop and cues without using computer shortcuts etc…atm . All loops and cues should be on the same page.
it is SIMPLER on programs like Rekordbox and Traktor that have cues and loops all on the SAME 8 grid,not on seperate pages…we dont need 8 cues and 8 loops for ONE song ! just be like the other programs and give us ability to have cues and loops on the same grid and make interface simpler so we dont have to keep switching between pages to see our loops and cues. thanks ! simpler is better !
love this program meantime …vote please !
Thanks for the suggestion @All_About_Islands. I have changed this topic from a General Discussion to a Suggestion. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!
Hi again @All_About_Islands,
It would be great to better understand what would work best for most users. Traktor and Rekordbox have the notion of a loop that is attached to a cue, so technically everything is a cue. Is this what you would prefer? To just stick to 8 cue points and allow assigning a loop at a specified length to each of the 8 cues. It could also be a hybrid approach when you set the cue, that is if a loop is active and you click on of the 8 “+” buttons in the cue points tab, the cue is set at the beginning of the loop and the associated loop is saved to this cue as well, so next time you trigger that cue that loop is activated as well. Please let us know.
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So of the 8 cue points displayed on djay pro , each button could have a loop assigned to it OR a cue .
On rekordbox or traktoR if you are in a loop when you sabe , it saves that loop to the button or if you hit a pad at a point in the song - it’s a cue . By looking at buttons you know if they are loop or cue .
Is unlikely that anyone needs 8 loops and 8 cues - so this is simpler and more elegant than multiple pages
Love this program overall !
Great. That’s what I figured. Thanks for the additional details @All_About_Islands.
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