Cuts spotify tracks

All the songs from Spotify are cut of at the end.
A track from 3 minutes is 2:59 and sometimes even more is cut.

Can someone help me?

Hi there,

we are very sorry to hear that.
Please kindly provide more information so we can better assist you.* Which device do you have?
* Which OS version is running on your device?
* Which djay version are you using? (If you are using an iOS/ Android Device: Please tap the gear icon and scroll down to determine the version number.)

os: Windows 10 completly up-to-date
DJay version 1.0.26524.0

I use it with Numark Mixtrack Pro 2 but also when not connected it show at least 1 second less in the track section.

In Spotify the track duration is 2:36 en in DJAY 2:35