Day Pro AI not seeing my current Apple Music library

Apple iMac 2019
macOS 13.4
Apple Music App v1.5.3.8
DJay Pro AI 4.1.8

When I start up DJay Pro AI, it does not see my current Apple Music app Library with playlists etc. It sees very few items in my library. I found very old posts about choosing the music library with open + option key and refreshing the library, but this does nothing. Any Thoughts? I used music cloud library with the Apple Music subscription to sync my library with this computer. I realize that DJay cannot play DRM protected music, but regular .aac and .mp3 files should play no problem correct?

Make sure you have the playlist downloaded locally on the device.

Did you already did that?

Wow, that easy, thank you so much.


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Hey @Elliott_Hill - Welcome to the Community! Thanks for your first post.

And shout out to @ed-dj for the solution! Much appreciated. It’s great to see our users support each other.

Feel free to reach out here in the Community if you have any further questions or suggestions :slight_smile:

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You can check this passage: How to Use Apple Music on Djay Pro to see if it is helpful.

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