DDJ-1000 mixer mode

Hi there,

Short question: I read that the DDJ-1000SRT can only be used in hardware mixer mode. Is that the same for the regular DDJ-1000?

I’m asking this because I need to use automix sometimes, and besides I guess neural eq is only possible on internal mode?

Kind regards!

The regular 1000 has a master/headphones (internal mixing) config.

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Hi @Len91, PK is correct. The DDJ-1000 is an Internal Mixer Mode device and the DDJ-1000SRT is an External Mixer Mode device. I hope that helps!

Hi. Does that mean tjat on the DDJ-1000 you can not asign neural mix to the eqs?

On DDJ-1000, are the fader and A/thru/B controling djay?

If i understand correctly, it means that the only function affected is the color filter (only lpf/hpf) and BeatFX apply to only master.
So, if i want to control effect in djay. i will have to assign it to a section of the pads?
Last question. if i connect vinyl to the inputs, i can mix it with the djay tracks?

You can use NM EQs on the DDJ-1000.

Thanks. But can i assign only channel 1 and 2 to djay (usb) and keep channel 3 and 4 as line in, and mix all this in the ddj mixer?
or djay is taking the control of the output, and blocks the line in 3 and 4?

I don’t have access to a DDJ-1000 to check so I’ll have to ask the hardware team on Monday.

I found this on reddit:
*As of Firmware 1.05 released in June 2018 from Pioneer, hardware effects are always applied on analog sources, while software effects are always applied on digital sources. Devices with older firmware will not be able to use ANY effects on analog sources with the default mapper of VirtualDJ and will have to upgrade their Firmware to version 1.05 or greater.

So it seems possible for effects, but my important question stays the same:
Is djay taking the control of the output, and blocks the line in 3 and 4?
thanks for asking the hardware team.

Usually when controllers also have physical analog audio inputs, if those inputs are selected, they are sent directly through the controller and don’t go anywhere near (or get affected by) the software.

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Ok . Thanks PKtheDJ.
So i can combine 2 lines in with 2 usb inputs. Im wondering how is acting the crossfader in this case…
I suppose the FLX-10 acts the same as the DDJ-1000 in terms of mixing line in.