DDJ-800 djay Pro native support?

The best Christmas gift we could have for our DDJ-800. Thank you

The best Christmas gift we could have for our DDJ-800. We already have mapping for our controller

Iā€™ve wrestled with this one for a while.Ā  I pushed for Djay to support the DDJ-800 (on Mac) for many months and during the time waiting I got more and more into Rekordbox and streaming and sourcing my tracks on services like Beatport (Link) and SoundCloud (Go).Ā  Literally the only appeal of Djay with the DDJ-800 is itā€™s Spotify integration.Ā  Once you let that go -Ā  youā€™ll enjoy the pro level Rekordbox much more.Ā  Sad for me to say this as I was so happy for Djay to finally support the 800, but it forced me to learn Rekordbox and dive into Beatport and I havenā€™t looked back at Djay since.

any news ? Iā€™m really disappointed Iā€™ve used dj pro2 since it was released brought myself a new controller and checked the compatibility on the website yet it isnā€™t plug and play for the ddj800 at all !!! gutted ! i donā€™t want to use rekordbox with please sort this out!

I will literally personally Venmo $100 to the guy who finishes the windows support for the DDJ-800. Djay Pro is an AMAZING program, our only wish is to be able to use it with our hardware.

Is there any update on this yet?

Unfortunately, I doubt weā€™ll get an answer as to when native support for the DDJ-800 will be coming to Windows. Your best bet is to just get Rekordbox since the DDJ-800 is Plug&Play.

Youā€™ll still be able to link your SoundCloud and while itā€™s not Tidal, BeatPort Link has been treating me nicely as a training alternative. I also suggest subscribing to a DJ Pool to start your music collection if you havenā€™t already.

The biggest reason I got DJay Pro was for its Spotify integration. And a since thatā€™s gone, plus the 800 issues, itā€™s really no contest.

Happy mixing!

I just bought a DDJ-800 thinking that it would have something displayed on the jog wheels like the video I saw of the DDJ-1000 working with Djay Pro (in the video, it showed BPM of the track, a clock hand, and some sort of time on each jog wheel). All I see on my DDJ-800 is the Pioneer DJ logo on the left jog wheel and the Rekordbox logo on the right jog wheel. Did I not install my firmware or driver software correctly?

Hmmmā€¦ so Iā€™ve tried several more things like upgrade to 10.15.5, uninstalling and reinstalling the 1.1 audio driver, and have the same issues with the jog wheel. At this point, I will have to call it quits on this controller as I had some faith that it would work at least somewhat like the DDJ-1000 jog wheels. My DDJ-400 works perfectly with Djay Pro. I was just hoping to move up to a better controller. Perhaps Iā€™ll purchase it again in the future if true DDJ-800 support ever comes about. In the meantime, Iā€™ll have to accept the shorter fader throws and unusual layout of the Reloop Mixon 4. Sighā€¦

Hi Daniel,

Sadly, I took one look at Rekordbox and saw an inferior program compared to Djay Pro. The songs load up way too slowly and the interface looks like it was cobbled together by a high school student just learning how to program. I already subscribe to Tidal, which is an alternative to Spotify, so Iā€™d like to continue using Djay Pro. Iā€™m part of ZipDJ, so Iā€™m getting downloadable tracks that way. I may purchase whatever the next iteration of the DDJ-800 is once they get reasonably full native support with Djay Pro. Itā€™s a shame, too, because the DDJ-800 is a really nice controller. I guess Iā€™ll just have to be happy with my DDJ-400 until I get the Reloop Mixon 4. Thank you for responding to me!

Speak of the devil, Pioneer got back to me this morning. Their response "

@CJ > Sorry, there are no display functions supported by the DDJ-800 with djay. It wonā€™t be ā€œfixedā€ because itā€™s not ā€œbroken.ā€ While the DDJ-800 may work as a hardware controller for other software, the displays are intended for rekordbox output.

Okay, Iā€™ve heard enough. The DDJ-800 was never meant for anything other than Rekordbox and the same is basically true for their other DJ controllers. Itā€™s up to the generosity of Algoriddim or other 3rd party software developers to integrate native support of XYZ controller into their software.

Algoriddim, if you can get Djay Pro working with all the buttons and jog displays of the DDJ-800, I will send you $100 as well.

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