DDJ-FLX10 Hardware FX

Have you try to use external mixing mode (if possible)? I don’t have a flx10 but on rane controllers it is possible to rout the channels directly to the channels in the build in Mixer - than I can use the build in hardware fx.

Hi @Steinar, I spoke with engineering, because of the hardware design of the FLX10 it is not possible to use hardware FX with DJ software, so controlling software FX is the only possibility. Thanks!

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Yes, I studied the signal flow chart in the manual and came to the same conclusion. I just didn’t expect it since my REV 7 works that way. But maybe that’s something new they are doing in the FLX series.

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yes, the issue with beat fx. it just sounds bad because it runs through the software. and Auto BPM → „section Beat FX“, also doesn’t work. it always shows 120 bpm


Hi @DJKamyR, I’ve moved you comment from the general FLX10 discussion to this one. Please note as shared above that it’s not possible to use the hardware FX with the FLX10. Can you please try to capture a video of the Auto BPM/Beat FX issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

@Slak_Jaw I read in this post about the issues with the color fx. But there is not enough discription, at least for my specific issue. I think the deadzone of the knobs is to low. So when I have the knobs in the center (where its locked) often the effecteds are still activated. After some adjusting left/right it can be deactivated. My flx10 is days old and I never have this issue in rekordbox or serato.


Hi @Robioter, I’ve moved your question over to this FLX10 FX topic and I have forwarded this to engineering for review and comment. Thanks!

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Att. the video as requested

Hi @Robioter, I spoke with engineering and this will be fixed in an upcoming update. Thanks!


Hi @DJKamyR, thanks for the video. This is very helpful. I’ve shared this with engineering for further review.


Wow amazing support. Thanks for listening!

You’re welcome @Robioter! Thanks for the positive feedback.

@Slak_Jaw Also two additional reports:

  1. The color effects on the controller can either go up or down. In djay pro it only works for the filter. For all the other effects it doesn’t make a difference if I turn up or down. In both ways the effects are simmilar.

  2. On the beat effect I can change the beat (or other details) of the effect. On the controller it is saved on which level it was last for each effect. On the software it is saved for all the effects.
    Example: I have the delay on and change it to 1/2 beat. If I change the effect to low pass delay. In the software it is stays on 1/2 beat, but on the controller it shows 1 beat, which is the standard value (or the last I used).
    → So after using many effects for e period of time it gets really messy. The screen on the controller doesn’t show any true value of the effect in djay pro.

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Hi @DJKamyR, please note that the Tap and Auto BPM feature does work, however, the little FX display unfortunately doesn’t update to reflect it. This display is similar to the jog wheel displays and requires the manufacturer to update the firmware for djay to have access to it.

Regarding “it just sounds bad because it runs through the software”, again, we have to use djay FX because we do not have access to the Pioneer hardware FX. Do you have some specific pain points we could maybe alleviate? Is there a specific effect that is not available in the djay FX that you’d like to see added?


Thanks for the additional feedback @Robioter. I’ve shared this with engineering.

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hi Slak_Jaw, no it’s all there but the rollout sounds very robotic

@Slak_Jaw @NathanielAlgo
Any news when we can expact 5.2.1?

Thx for an short update

@Slak_Jaw @NathanielAlgo
Is it possible to have the search function for local files on iPad?

And also the star rating function for the iPad?

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Hi @DJKamyR,

The v5.2.1 update has just been released, please see the General category of the community for the changelog associated with the update.

Hi @DJKamyR,

At this time, this is a limitation of iOS and it’s Files search function.

However, our engineering team is aware that this is a feature users would like to have and are looking into a workaround.


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