DDJ FLX6 Jog wheels not responding

Just brought a DDJ FLX6 and my jog wheels are not responding. My tracks are playing, but when i touch the jog wheel it doesn’t stop it just slows down a little.

@Shawn_Haines you need to switch the jog wheel mode from CDJ to Vinyl. Press Shift + JOG CUTTER to switch between the two modes.


Thank You Very Much. It’s Working.

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You’re welcome @Shawn_Haines, happy to help.

Good morning, I tried this solution and my left jog wheel is still failing to respond with Serato…it does it sometimes but does not respond consistently…any other suggestions?? Ihate to have to return it…

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@M_ke_Ervin sounds like faulty hardware to me. My only other suggestion is to try a high quality USB cable that has ferrites on either end. Sometimes external interference can cause signal dropouts like this.

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Hi, i don’t know if is the same problem or what, but, my right jogwheel don’t respond and with it also the touch. If i play a music on that side and try to rotate the jogwheel, it doesn’t responding.
I tried everything: I changed the cable, I opened it and see if there something wrong but nothing happened. I thought that was a problem with rekordbox and I did the last update, but nothing happened again.
Do you have some advise?

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Hi @Simone_Toso, if you are experiencing this problem with Rekordbox and djay Pro then this is likely a hardware problem. Have you tried updating the firmware from the Pioneer website?


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