DDJ-REV7 Displays

First off, Thanks to all at Algoriddim for supporting and updating all the vast amounts of DJ gear! I’m truly grateful for all the hard work and developments you’ve brought to the DJ/Turntablist community.

I just recently purchased the Pioneer DDJ-Rev7 and it works great with version 4.1.3. I’m sure this is being worked on or is in the queue - but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Will there be support for the display screens on the Rev7? I’ve noticed that VDJ has them working.



Hi @J.Marz1,

Thanks for posting to the community for the first time!

We appreciate your questions and the incredibly positive feedback.

While we cannot share future feature additions in djay, it can be said that our dev team is aware that this is a feature users would like to see implemented and we will keep this in review.

Have a wonderful day!



Excellent, this sounds very promising!
Keep me in mind if you need any external alpha/beta testing.

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hello, any news about the Displays working?


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Hi. Same question here. I tried a rev7 some weeks agora and it’s great. Is there news about the rev7 displays working with Djay Pro?

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Rev 7 displays would be awesome also eq stems & looping without having to use the shift key would be cool

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I just got the Rev 7 , still no diplays with Djay pro , :cry: Hopefully they can add it soon . Rev 7 is awesome with Djay pro

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Pioneer need to allow access with firmware update. Why don’t you contact pioneer and ask.

Hi @DJ_Mangito, as @Dysfunk_DJ indicated, the hardware manufacturer needs to unlock the displays on before we can make them available in djay. We have already contacted them, but the more users that reach out the more likely they are to unlock them. Thanks!

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NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

Hi can we get screen support on the pioneer ddj rev7 like you added on the rane performer…

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Hi @Elvis_Dunbar_Lewis, please use search before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this one. Please cast your vote for this feature at the top left of this page.

Please note that the hardware manufacturer needs to unlock access to their screens before we can add support for them in djay. We have reached out to the manufacturer requesting this, but it will help to expedite the process if djay users like yourselft could also contact the manufacturer and express your interest in having screens unlocked for Algoriddim djay. Every voice helps. Thanks for your support!

So we need to reach out to AlphaTeta? Time to sell my Rev7… :wink:

Time to pressure DJay………. Screens SCREENS Screens. PLEASE!

I reached out to PioneerDJ (Alpha Theta) last night about this… They said it is on Agoriddum to implement the screens, not them. They referred to Virtual DJ having done so as proof. They said they are not blocking anything. See screenshot of the email below.


If it was my company and I was charging subscribers and they complained about features they wish they had, what would be my motivation to fix things fast? Especially when the customers keep paying their subscriptions. I don’t think they are in rush for cosmetic changes because the screens and the ability to make the text size even larger is always requested😢

Hi @World_Famous, we appreciate you bringing this to our attention. I will forward what you shared to the relevant team and report back here when I have more info. Thanks!

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They have over 23 controllers that are supported but no screens. WOW. Must be a massive of amount time they would have to invest. But I think the pay off would be worth. Let’s go dev team​:muscle:t6::muscle:t6::muscle:t6::fire::fire::fire: