DDJ-SX2 (Crossfader assignment changed) issue

Macbook Pro i7 2.6ghz intel core, 32gb ram, Sequoia 15.2
DDJ-SX2 Firmware updated to the latest, No drivers for Mac.

This error always happens when DJay Pro is runing and I turn DDJ-SX2 on,
when the DDJ-SX2 is fully loaded, I move the crossfader left to right, I instantly get the error message “Crossfader assignment changed” I click “Restore” and it seems to be back to normal, everything works normal in the majority of the time,

Last night, this error messaged happened in the middle of a packed dancefloor, the sound also cut out, when I pressed “Restore” it worked as normal for the rest of the night.

I also have the DDJ-SR2 and I dont have any of these issues. It seems to only happen to the DDJ-SX2,

Is this because the DDJ-SX2 has old drivers? there hasnt been any updated driver Feb 2020

or is because Im running the latest OSX Sequoia?

Should I downgrade my OSX?

Just wanting if Algoridem can help with my issue, thanks.

I decided to try and trigger and replicate this error by moving the crossfader slider left and right multiple times during “auto mix” and it did prompt this error,

is it because everytime I moved the crossfader to the left and right deck it loads and starts the next tracks?

Could I turn this feature off in DJay Pro? “auto start track with crossfader”

Hi @eecy_cee, this usually happens when your hardware has physical crossfader assignment switches and you have them set differently than in djay. Typically these switches are hardware based and don’t send MIDI messages to the DJ software so you need to manually set them to match your software settings. My guess is that you have these set to Thru instead of A and B. If you set these to match your settings in djay then you shouldn’t get this pop-up message.


Please navigate to the djay Settings>General>CROSSFADER FX

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Slak_Jaw it’s 2025 and your still amazing, How do u do it? thats exactly the solution I was looking for, Normally I use “through” cause I use upfaders for mixing instead of the crossfaders.

Ive had this issue everytime I use my DDJ-SX2 but it hasnt given me any issues when I play live, until it happened in the middle of a packed dancefloor, and it had a 4sec sound dropout, thats when I said, I have to fix this issue,

Thank you kindly Slak Jaw,

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Thanks for the reply Slak_Jaw,
I have unchecked (Autoplay when moving crossfader) but it still does it for some reason,
Im thinking this feature only works when you have crossfader FX enabled? I dont use crossfader fx so I turn it off.

Thanks Slak_Jaw, Happy New Year:)

You’re welcome @eecy_cee! Thanks for the positive feedback - it’s always appreciated.

Yes, the Auto-play switch above only applies when using CFX.
When you have Automix On and manually move your crossfader from one side to the other, this sends a signal to the Automix system that you want to transition to the next track. So, the behavior you’re describing is expected. If you turn Automix Off, this will not happen. I hope that helps!

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Thanks you so much for your help Slak_Jaw.

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My pleasure. Happy to help @eecy_cee

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Wow I cant believe this issue was causing DJay Pro, to be unstable for me, I have no issues at all after doing two events back to back with, your fix Slak_Jaw
Thank you again:)

Excellent! You’re welcome @eecy_cee

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