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macOS Sonoma 15.2
Djay pro 5.2.6
I noticed yesterday using my ddj1000srt that the hardware effects never matched the tempo of the track automatically. I had to use the tap feature to match the effect to the bpm of the track. Is this happening because you can only use the ddj1000srt in “external mixer” mode? Do they have any plans of making the 1000srt usable in internal mixer mode?
The hardware configuration of the SRT means that it can only be used in external mixer mode.
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The external mixer mode seemed to work fine yesterday, aside from the automix feature. I took a very short break to eat at the event so I switched my backup laptop to internal mixer mode and put a few songs on automix. I usually have both laptops plugged in for weddings so it’s not the end of the world. I know it’s a bit of an older unit, and meant to work natively with serato, but perhaps it’s time to update to the flx10
Is it preferable to use a controller that can be used on internal mixer mode?
No, external mixer setup would usually be considered more professional, as the hardware is doing the mixing (i.e. it’s a real mixer) rather than the software doing it, with the “mixer” just sending data to the software.
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Hi @jmoak311, this is expected behavior when using an external mixer device. The FX are happening inside the hardware and completely external from djay.
I assumed as much. Thank you!
Emily from Algoriddim previously posted: “I’ve heard back from our Dev Team, and they’ve been able to confirm now, as you’ve said, that the auto BPM of the Beat FX section doesn’t work with djay at the moment. Our team is investigating whether we can add support for this in the future”
I’ll have to get better with the search function. I didn’t happen to see that.