Disabling storing new Cues with Pads


As we all know, each player in DJay has 8 spaces for Cues, and the Mixon Pro 8 has 8 pads. Not all tracks in my collection need 8 Cue Points, of course.

My problem: Sometimes I accidentally touch an empty Cue Pad on the controller, which immediately stores a new Cue Point. This is unwanted and can be confusing or lead to undesired situations.

My idea: Add a new feature to the little pencil icon (for editing Cue points) so that disabling the pencil also prevents the storage of new Cue points (or loops).

In other words, when the pencil is disabled, it should also be impossible to accidentally store a new Cue point during a live situation.

Is this already possible to program, or would it require a new setting in the preferences?

Device: MacBook Pro (16", 2019)
Operating system: Apple Os / Sanoma 14.4.1.
Djay version: Djay Pro 5.2.1
Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon Pro 8

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Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, I have changed this topic from a Question to a Suggestion. Thanks for the suggestion! I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

Thanks! So it’s not possible to do right now?

maybe just a little lock on a track…tracktor etc have a padlock icon , so you can lock the track and the grid and cues stay solid. Click the padlock and it turns into a pencil allowing you to edit tracks. This way we can keep our cues safe etc…important for routines…right now if you hit Pad FX but haven’t changed on your mixer from hot cues, you end up writing a bunch of mistaken cues …

You’re welcome @DJ_Big_Blender. That’s correct. Not currently possible.

Thanks for the additional feedback @All_About_Islands. I’ve passed it onto the devs.

OR maybe simply option to delete cue with shift button. Press shift + cue pad to delete cue. That works in Tractor. Here I actually do not know how to delete cue from controller. A small lock for locking fully cued and prepared track would be nice.

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@Michael_Android, on most controllers, holding Shift + Cue Pad does delete the Hot Cue. If this is not already MIDI mapped to your controller, you can easily map it yourself within the djay MIDI Learn Tool by pressing Shift + Cue Pad 1 and selecting Clear Cue 1.

That was quick :smiley: Thanks.

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You’re welcome @Michael_Android