Disconnect the licence from the device. You have exceeded the five device limit.

The programme I purchased allows me to install it on up to five devices. :green_heart:

Where can I see which devices the application is installed on, and how can I force uninstall unwanted devices that I no longer have access to?

Hi @Zirrex, there’s no way to see logged in devices. The last 5 logged in devices will have access to the license. When another device is logged in, the least most recently device is logged out. I hope that helps!

Am I reading this right:

1 - Sign in
2 - Sign in
3 - Sign in
4 - Sign in
5 - Sign in
6 - Sign in (1 Sign Out)
7 - Sign in (2 Sign Out)

There’s no binding to devices, right?

That is correct @Zirrex. Device 1 (the oldest logged in one) will be logged out first then device 2 next (second oldest logged one).

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