Display Tempo Range Onscreen

I’m running DJ Pro on an iPad Air (2023) and a Pioneer DDJ-FLX4. Sometimes I change the Tempo Range from 8% to 50% or 75% for some dramatic effects. I am using the Shift + Beat Sync button on my Pioneer controller to cycle through the tempo range value. The problem with this is I see no visual feedback telling me what the current tempo range value is. The only way I can see is if I tap the fiddly Tempo dropdown on my iPad screen. Any suggestions on how I see the Tempo range without touching the iPad?

Hi @Sparkomatic, currently there is no setting to show the Tempo Range onscreen without opening the BPM/Tempo menu. However, I have changed your topic from a Question to a Suggestion. I have also forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. In the meantime, please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so we can gauge user demand for this feature. Thanks!

I’ve always wondered if that could be possible as well.

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Hi @Sparkomatic and @maurizio_T, let me know if this meets your needs.

  1. Navigate to djay Settings>Appearance>JOG WHEELS>Style and set it to Extended.
  2. Switch to Pro Mode, then make sure the Jog Wheel is turned On in the the Waveforms drop down menu.

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Thanks Slak, that works unfortunately I use my iPad in Portrait mode as I like having the Waveforms left for Deck 1 and Right for Deck 2 and your solution only works in Horizontal mode…
It would be good if the Range could be added in the circled box by making it a bit wider, Not a deal breaker for me, I would much prefer if the Range went up to 100% and slowed down to 0% though…but that’s another topic /suggestion…

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You’re welcome @maurizio_T. Thanks for the feedback. I’ll pass this onto the dev team.

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@maurizio_T the engineering team has told me that they’ll be adding the ability to show the jogwheels in portrait orientation in an upcoming update.


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