Dj Pro AI 4.1.10 is slow. Keeps refreshing.

Quick question. I have an 2022 M1 Mac Mini (16gb Ram) with a new 2tb hard drive. Everything worked great for the last few months, but suddenly, I get the spinning wheel 90% of the time when I start the program. I want to think the hard drive is asleep, but un-mounting/mounting the drive doesn’t help. Restarting the computer is the only way to get around this problem, BUT if the screen saver kicks in, I’m back to square one again.I always have to find the music directory because Djay pro keeps refreshing my music directory any time the screen saver kicks in. I don’t have a problem with any other programs.
Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

@CreamOfBeats in general, it’s a good practice to disable the screen saver on MacOS and Lock Screen on iOS when using djay.

Also I would check to see if any background applications or processes are running like iCloud sync. Again, best practice is to close all programs and stop background application when running djay.

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@CreamOfBeats just wanted to follow up and see if that helped with your issue?

Hello @CreamOfBeats, I just wanted to follow up one more time to see if that solved your issue. Thanks.

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