DJ PRO AI - Smart Playlist - creation for "Genre" not possible

I am trying to create a playlist with filter “genre”. All tracks to filter are stored on my Macs hard drive.
I can start with creating a playlist, can then select a filter for genre, but I am not able to select a genre or to type in a genre.

Please advise.


@DJ_Lopodunum I don’t have a Mac anymore, but if memory serves me correct, the process is pretty similar to iOS. I’ll show you how on iOS and hopefully that gets you 90% there on Mac.

  1. First of all, note that this only works for playlists created in the My Collection source in djay.
  2. Select the + icon to open the Playlist Menus and select Smart Playlist
  3. Select the Pencil/Edit icon near the top right.
  4. Select the + icon on the left that just appeared to add a Filter
  5. Then scroll down and select the Genre Filter
  6. Next, select the small Down Arrow next to the Genre Filter you just created to pull up a menu of all the available genres for the music you have in My Collection.

@DJ_Lopodunum did that solve your problem?

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