Djay 2 can t see my ddj we go 2!!!

I downloaded djay 2 free on my friends ipad mini and connected it with my ddj we go 2 and i was working.Then i bought a ipad air and I purchased a full djay 2 app.When i connect my ipad to my Pionner wego it doesn t work( no device connected)I m using original ipad to ddj-wego cable and i have original ios system.

Hi mikearmor .,

the DDJ WeGo2 supports both applications. Did you use the same cable for connecting your iPad Air and your friends iPad Mini?

Thank you in advance.

Lukas E.

Yes the same cable, but i solved this probles.I found simillar issue on this forum. If i dont connect iPad and Ddj wego 2 in specyfic order it wont work.Dont make sense for me becouse it should work anyway…