Djay 4.2.3 on MacOS incompatible with M-Audio M-Track Quad

Djay does not even ‘see’ the sound card. OSX sees it and uses it no problem, but I cannot use Djay with this sound card. I will have to switch to another software. Very disappointing, especially after paying money for it.

This is because djay 4.2.3 is sandboxed and your audio interface does not support sandboxed apps. Note that sandboxing is a security requirement for all App Store apps.

You can download the non-Mac App Store version and verify that it works with non-sandboxed apps:…

Please contact M-Audio support to ask about sandboxing compatible drivers.

Thanks for your answer. How can I activate the non-Mac App Store version of Djay? The App Store doesn’t give me a license key…