Djay 5.0 messed up my beatgrids.

Again, sorry for the delay. As promised, here are the FAQ articles for the Fluid Beatgrid system:

I’ve tried a couple from Tidals’ “Salsa Classics” list. No probs so far.

Could you be so kind to provide one track ID that doesn’t work for you?


  1. The engineering team examined the tracks that you shared and the Fluid Beatgrid system analyzed them automatically and perfectly. We have tested thousands of tracks and the new system gets it perfectly in 99.9% of cases.
  2. The engineering team has concluded that something else must be going on to cause the issues you are experiencing.
  3. Can you please send your djaymedialibrary database file along with a selection of songs you are having issues with to our Dropbox so we can examine them further? Dropbox
  4. The djaymedialibrary file can be found in the Files App on iOS in On My iPhone>djay>User Data


I have just tried 2 tracks and no issues so far.

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@Donall_O_Cleirigh in the meantime,

  1. Can you please check if any of the songs you’re having issues with show a red Reset button in the edit grid section.
  2. If so, please do not press the Reset button, but send this track to our Dropbox as shared above. This file will really help the engineering team to identify your issue. Thanks!


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Thank you @Dysfunk_DJ and @Mister_Tuur for confirming. I appreciate your help!

Is the team interested in tracks to improve the AI? I have one new track where it’s getting confused over some off beat samples going on in an intro. If the AI would follow the hihat it would be fine though. I can imagine it’s not easy though…

Absolutely @Mister_Tuur. Can you please create a new topic for this discussion so other users can submit their tracks and suggestion?


I can do that yes. I will be scanning a number of new tracks. I do this on my iPhone. I’m not sure what everyone’s results are on desktop computers. In my opinion the grid start needs to match the beginning of the beat where the first start cue is placed. That is what the grid start button was for, not sur ex why it has been removed?

I will screengrab as I go anyway.

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That’s not always the case though. And if you try to ‘correct’ that it can open a can of worms.

It might have worked previously, but as far as I can tell it’s almost perfect right now and not necessary anyway.

@Donall_O_Cleirigh the engineering team is requested some additional information to help solve your specific issue. In addition to some of the songs they need your entire “djay” folder from your iPhone.

  1. Open Files app on iPhone
  2. Go to “On my iPhone” section
  3. Tap-and-hold the “djay” folder and select “Compress”
  4. Upload resulting ZIP file to our Dropbox
  5. Please also upload some of the tracks that are causing you issues.


Cheers, I’ll put in the new tracks and upload then…

Thanks @Donall_O_Cleirigh. That should help a lot.

I HATE the new fluid beatgrid. I’m trying to set cue points at the end of “The Next Episode” to the beginning of “Still DRE” both from Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre on Tidal, and I can’t edit the beat grid at all to start on the beat. Not only that, there’s no way to edit the BPM, even when switched to straight from dynamic. This is really messing up my work flow and makes the whole thing useless. I’m forced to use synch and remove all manual (and therefore creative) control from the DJ.

I wish I had backed up but now I’m stuck. Another nail in the coffin and a reason to switch over to recordbox! Please restore the old functionality!!!


Hi @dizzydj123,

Thanks for sharing this additional information.

Would you be able to provide us with some screenshots of the misaligned tracks in question?

Our engineering team would like to take a look at where the waveforms+beat grid is having trouble for reference.

Thanks so much!

I said it from day one!!!

having the same issue. I’m really unable to trust my ability to mix, and trust that BPM won’t just abruptly move, messing my transitions up. Really shocked at this update.

Hey. Djay zip uploading and new tracks uploading to dropbox.

So the issue here looks perhaps not like inaccurate beat matching but inaccurate grid starting, When I drop tracks into Ableton for instance I get a different grid start.

When I mix, and I’ve been doing it this way for 20 years (so a dinosaur) I use that visual grid point so I know where the track 4/4 point lines up, I rarely rely on sync to do this as my sets are more fluid. I’ve uploaded some screenshots too…

Looks to me in a lot of cases like the first number of bars are out then the grid catches up with the beat (visually anyway) wether this is the case behind the scenes - but this looks totally inaccurate and is off-putting to say the least.

Let me know what your thought are and If I’m missing something with this new system, happy to hear…